Product Details

Fiber Optic Cable

An optical fiber cable is a communication cable that consists of two or more glass or plastic optical fiber cores located in a protective coating and covered by a plastic PVC outer sleeve. The signal transmission along the internal optical fiber generally uses infrared rays.

Optical fiber communication is one of the important ways of modern information transmission. It has the advantages of large capacity, long relay distance, good confidentiality, immunity to electromagnetic interference and saving copper.

Optical fiber is a kind of fiber composed of two layers of transparent media in concentric circles. The most widely used dielectric material is quartz glass (SiO2). The transmission wavelength of optical fiber for communication is mainly near-infrared light of 0.8 to 1.7 microns. The core diameter of the optical fiber varies with the type, usually a few microns to 100 microns, and the outer diameter is mostly about 125 microns. It has a plastic coating on the outside. Optical cables can be used in various environments. The manufacturing method of the optical cable is similar to that of the cable.

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